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Added Aug 3, 2006

Love Theories unfolds at SM Art Center

February with all its clichés attached is the month of love and will always be a time for loving. And SM Art Center’s love offering will be a concept show on the art of loving by four local contemporary Cebuano artists. “Love Theories” by the artists group “Tuslob-Buwa” will showcase four individual experiences on love. The four aspects will dwell on love-lust, love-lists, love-lost, and love lasts.

Full-time artist Evan Bejec’s visual essay on love-list is a kind of New Year’s wish list. Here he makes a presentation on love that he wants to happen including his aspirations on what love means to him. His listings are personal ideals in the concrete form of both painting and sculpture.

Tackling of a love that’s lost, abstract expressionist artist and U.P. Fine Arts professor Dennis ‘Sio’ Montera will provide a visual teaching instruction. These are thoughts and raw feelings represented by abstract ideas. Montera’s works are often in a conceptual form and non-figurative imagery depicted in multi-layered color field works. His works are profound appropriations of the artist’s emotions from losing a special someone.

Jojo Sagayno is a member of the USC Fine Arts faculty and is the only one married in the group hence as a family man with two kids explores the fulfillment of loving and being loved in return. Doing composite media works combined with painting as a signature in his art making he concentrates our family bound love for country and countrymen.

The lust for love is akin to lust for life and Ritchie Quijano believes that the ultimate purpose and reason for living is to love. Thereby as an artist he sees it as of paramount importance to express it in art. The heart being the universal symbol of love takes a prominent place in the series of artworks he made.

Full of personal symbolisms “Love Theories” is a highly autobiographical sketch on love-related experiences each of the four artists underwent. “Love Theories” is the second major exhibition to start the year by the “Tuslob-Buwa” Artists Group and will be unveiled at the SM Art Center starting on February 2, 2007 and to last until the whole world celebrates Valentines Day.

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